"And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
Ephesians 4:11-14
Teaching and leading our children on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights is a wonderful opportunity to invest in the hearts and minds of the next generation.
We would love for you to be involved in this ministry because in doing so you help fulfill the Bible's call to teach the next generation about God; it keeps you praying for the children; it blesses the church body; and it brings glory to our God.
Serving Opportunities in FaithKids:
There’s many positions available to serve. Just to give you an idea we need:
We would love for you to be involved in this ministry because in doing so you help fulfill the Bible's call to teach the next generation about God; it keeps you praying for the children; it blesses the church body; and it brings glory to our God.
Serving Opportunities in FaithKids:
There’s many positions available to serve. Just to give you an idea we need:
- Welcome Desk Greeters
- Teachers and Helpers from Infant age through 5th grade
- Buddies for individual children who might need a special friend with them
- Resource preparations (serving during the week)
- Media and computer presentation help
- Hallway helpers
- AWANA leaders for Wednesday nights
- VBS leaders and helpers in the summer
- FaithKids Camp Sponsors
- And a myriad of other positions
What’s required?
How to Start Serving?
- We will do a background check on a national, state and county level
- We will meet with you to show you the different options of serving as well as get to know you, your family and your faith story.
How to Start Serving?
- Please fill out our FaithKids Volunteer Form and someone from our staff will connect with you.

Faith Student Ministry
Serve on a team of volunteer leaders in either the Middle School or High School Ministry as we work together to serve students and glorify God by making disciples who transform the world. If you would like to become a volunteer in the Student Ministry please contact our Student Pastor, Austin Paine, for more information. We are always looking for individuals who have a heart for students and want to see them grow in their relationship with their Savior. Our hope is to partner students with mature believers as a source of guidance and spiritual support throughout their lives.
Greeters and Coffee Ministry
Volunteer to greet those who are new to Faith Bible or are attending for the first time once a month during either the morning worship services. To volunteer as a greeter CLICK HERE.
To volunteer to help brew coffee on Sunday mornings CLICK HERE.
To volunteer to help brew coffee on Sunday mornings CLICK HERE.

Worship Team
The Worship Team is an awesome group of people that are passionate about worshiping God! The Worship Team rehearses on most Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Worship Center and leads worship in our weekend Worship Services at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. If you are interested in joining this group, email our Executive Pastor of Worship Ministries, Joel Mott.
Media Team
The Media Team is comprised of volunteers who serve for one purpose—to glorify God through media and technology. Whether supporting weekend services, Wednesday activities, or even running technical equipment in classrooms, the volunteers of the Media Team have a far reaching impact across the church and beyond. Volunteers begin with a weekly orientation and are trained and equipped with the appropriate technical experience, no matter their experience.
We have partnered with local missions to share our online Live worship services on Sunday mornings through our Live Stream broadcast and Media Library with residents of local retirement home communities. Additionally, in some retirement home communities during the week we share our messages from our worship services as Bible Studies. Volunteers from Faith Bible host these sessions and are building relationships with our retirement home community residents. No technical experience is necessary to participate in this ministry.
Our Student Media Team allows Jr. High and High School students to serve in their areas each week and teaches them valuable skills they can take with them into their future. Students can learn how to run great quality equipment without having to miss Sunday School, and they can serve alongside their friends!
If you would like more information about joining one of the Media Teams, contact Donovan Drake.
We have partnered with local missions to share our online Live worship services on Sunday mornings through our Live Stream broadcast and Media Library with residents of local retirement home communities. Additionally, in some retirement home communities during the week we share our messages from our worship services as Bible Studies. Volunteers from Faith Bible host these sessions and are building relationships with our retirement home community residents. No technical experience is necessary to participate in this ministry.
Our Student Media Team allows Jr. High and High School students to serve in their areas each week and teaches them valuable skills they can take with them into their future. Students can learn how to run great quality equipment without having to miss Sunday School, and they can serve alongside their friends!
If you would like more information about joining one of the Media Teams, contact Donovan Drake.