Systematic Theology - Resources

Week 1 (The Doctrine of Scripture): The beginning point for any discussion on systematic Theology begins with a proper understanding of the Word of God. Join us as Dr. Randy Fryar begins our study into the world of Systematic Theology. Week 1 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes. 

Week 2 (The Doctrine of God): Who is God and what is He like? These are the fundamental questions that the Doctrine of God seeks to explore. Using Scripture as our guide, follow along with us as Dr. Justin Kinsley shows us what the Bible says about the nature and attributes of God. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Chapter from A.W. Tozer's "Knowledge of the Holy." 

Week 3 (Doctrine of the Trinity): The Bible whole heartedly testifies to the fact that there is one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this week's lesson, come alongside pastor Jay Risner as he leads us through the biblical and historical warrant for the theology of the Trinity. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes. 

Week 4 (Christology):

Week 5 (The Doctrine of Man):

Week 6 (Soteriology pt 1):

Week 7 (Soteriology pt 2):

Week 8 (Pneumatology):

Week 9 (Ecclesiology):

Week 10 (Angelology & Demonology):

Week 11 (Eschatology pt 1):

Week 12 (Eschatology pt 2):

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