Visiting a church can be intimidating. Don't be intimidated by Faith Bible Church! We are people just like you-we need Jesus and gather every week to worship him together.
It's likely that your first visit to Faith Bible will be on a Sunday morning. Here's rundown of what we do on Sundays and when we do it.
- 8:15 – Early Worship and ABF hour
- Kid's Ministry offered for infants thru Kindergarten.
- 9:30 – Worship in the Worship Center and overflow in the Chapel
- ABF’s; Student and Children’s Sunday School; Nursery (infant thru Pre-K)
- 11:00 – Worship in the Worship Center and overflow in the Chapel
- ABF’s; Student and Children’s Sunday School; Nursery (infant thru Pre-K)
If you plan to attend an Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF), but don't know when or where it meets pick up an ABF guide from the Welcome Center or review the offerings here.

Questions When You Arrive?
Find the Welcome Center. Someone at the Welcome Center can help you find a location of an ABF, where to go with your children or get to a seat in the Worship Center. The Welcome Center is located outside the Worship Center and across from the FAITHKids / Children’s Welcome Desk
FAITHKids (Children’s Ministry)
- It would be best if you could come early so we can help get your children checked-in
- We use a check-in system because your security is very important to us.
- We want to make sure you are comfortable with where your children will be going and also how they are picked up.
If you have young children, the best place to park would be on the South side of the church campus and enter through the tallest/largest Tower entrance. You could also park on the East and West sides of the southern portion of the campus and be fairly close to the children’s and youth areas.
The parking on the South side of the campus fills up more quickly and if you don’t mind walking and getting some exercise, you can parking in the large North parking lot enter from the north entrances.
The parking on the South side of the campus fills up more quickly and if you don’t mind walking and getting some exercise, you can parking in the large North parking lot enter from the north entrances.
Faith Student Ministry (FSM)
- We meet two different hours on Sunday (9:30 and 11:00)
- We have shared time in between called "The Bridge" where all our students are together in the student space. This takes place between 10:15 and 11:00.
- Our area is newly built in 2019
- We’re located on the 2nd Floor above the FAITHKids area